
The State of Hiring and Background Screening 2023: Sterling's Healthcare and Life Sciences

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State of Hiring and Bkd Screening
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A Look Into Hiring Trends and Sterling's Program Performance

The demand for healthcare professionals has surged over the past three years, and the current hiring and economic landscape has undergone significant changes. Health systems are facing unique labor challenges, including staffing shortages, financial constraints, increased demand for specialized healthcare services, and adjusting to new types of work, such as telehealth and contractor staffing models.

Sterling conducted a mid-year survey with our healthcare and life sciences clients to better understand the unique challenges they were facing, as well as how they were overcoming these obstacles in order to keep up with today's hiring demands.

This report will highlight key findings around:

  • New and innovative strategies that are changing the way HR teams hire in the healthcare industry
  • Where there are opportunities to improve current hiring, retention, and background screening processes
  • Sterling's background screening program performance from each of our sub-industries: Acute Care, Post-Acute Care, Healthcare Staffing, and Life Sciences